The Equip 24 Seven College Tour is a series of speaking engagements, book discussions, and lectures to equip students with the knowledge, skills and resources necessary to plan and succeed beyond college.
General Presentation:
Are designed to encourage students to strive for success and personal growth, this presentation is designed for a large audience and teaches students that everyone has the ability to reach their fullest potential. My goal is to inspire today’s students to persevere through life’s challenges and to never underestimate their own dreams, talents and abilities to achieve the success they truly desire.
Lecture Series:
This series is designed to cover specific topics that relate to today’s college students:
“Be True to the Mission: Why Are You in College?” highlights the importance of developing a “game plan” as students navigate the process and pitfalls of college life and encounter extraordinary people that will inspire them along the way.
“Finding Balance: The Student Athlete” explores the dual role of the student athlete and helps students manage their academic and athletic obligations effectively.
“First Generation College Student: The Fear, the Challenges and the Degree” encourages students to acknowledge the fears and challenges of being one of the first family members to attend college as they navigate the new experiences that accompany college life.
“Be Resilient and Thrive” motivates students to take the lead in their own lives and teaches them how to persevere through challenges while remaining focused on achieving their goals.
Group Roundtable:
This roundtable is designed to facilitate a safe space for small group discussion or special focus groups consisting of students, campus leaders or campus organizations.
Book Discussion:
This book discussion is designed to give an in depth look into my book Outside the Huddle – Steps to Developing a Game Plan for Life and how it relates to today’s college students.
Contact information:
Email: info@teamfirstandgoal.org
Phone: (713) 571-9121